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Dental Services

Showground Dental offers comprehensive dental care. Our dentists provide the following services based on thorough treatment planning.


Preventative Dentistry

At Showground Dental, we believe that “prevention is better than cure”. That’s why we offer an one hour comprehensive oral examination, which includes a virtual tour of your mouth, intra-oral photos, scale and clean, polish, fluoride treatment and X-rays as required, to ensure you are receiving the best care possible.

We recommend visiting us at least every 6 months for a routine check-up. Combined with appropriate oral hygiene, you can prevent the need for costly treatments in the future.

Should any restorations be required based on your care plan, filling materials may be chosen to suit your oral condition. Tooth coloured composite resins and glass-ionomers cements are usually the materials of choice in our practice. Feel free to discuss with us if you would like to find out more about the materials.


Veneers, Crowns and Bridges

Our dentists are experienced in cosmetic dentistry ranging from direct and indirect veneers, to crowns and bridges.

Direct Veneer

Direct veneers (bonding) are done with tooth coloured composite resin that is layered onto your teeth. The biggest advantage is that you can walk away with the newly modified teeth on the day. Modifications in shade or shape are possible with this kind of veneers.


Teeth Whitening

Enhance your smile and confidence with tooth whitening . At Showground Dental we offer two forms of whitening – the take-home whitening kit and a 2-hour in-office whitening session.

With the easy-to-use take home whitening kit, you will receive custom-made whitening trays, gels and a jump start session in the surgery with a higher concentration whitening gel. Alternatively, the 2 hour in-office whitening session takes away the fuss of spending one hour each night at home plus an instant result!

Children’s Dentistry & Medicare

Looking after your child’s teeth is crucial in ensuring they have good oral health in their adult life, and can prevent a whole range of issues such as cavities, poor gum health and worn or broken teeth. A good place to start will be setting an example for your child by taking care of your own teeth, and getting them into the routine of a 6-monthly check up at a young age. This allows dental visits to feel familiar, so that visiting a dentist isn’t such a scary thought in the future. Check the eruption charts below for a reference on teeth growth and development and check out our blog post on “Twice-daily brushing for children made easy”

Mouthguards & Occlusal Splints

Custom-fitted mouthguards are created by your dentists from thermoplastic materials based on a detailed mould of your mouth and teeth. They are highly personalised devices where the thickness of the mouthguard can be altered based on the type of sports you play.



Want straighter teeth without having to get braces? Here at Showground Dental we offer you another option called Invisalign which is rapidly growing in popularity.

The way the treatment works involves wearing a series of transparent, customised trays which job is to slowly realign the teeth. Each fortnight you will use a new set of trays which will create slight movements to the previous one and slowly but surely you will start to see results as the teeth start to re-position.


Implant Restoration

A Dental Implant is basically a mock version of a natural tooth that is secured into the alveolar bone and gums to substitute a lost tooth. It looks and functions just like a natural tooth.

One of the many advantages of the implant option is that you don’t have to sacrifice any tooth structure on the adjacent teeth, whereas the crown and bridge route means both adjacent teeth will be affected to some degree. It is our goal to maintain your general oral health and keep your remaining teeth healthy which makes the Implant alternative a great choice.


Inhalation Sedation

For the nervous patients (adults and children), we can offer inhalation sedation to make your visit with us as comfortable as possible. The most common form of sedation used is N2O-O2 also known as the “happy gas”. Happy gas is a safe sedative agent that you can breathe in. It is colour-less, sweet-smelling and non-irritating. Our dentists will adjust the depth of sedation and the sedative effects can be quickly decreased at the end of the treatment. Recovery time is usually only a few minutes.

Other than Happy Gas we can also offer Penthrox or pre-medication if required.


Root Canal Therapy

Root canal treatment is a procedure that will save a severely decayed or infected tooth. This is done by removing the pulp tissue from the root canals followed by cleaning and then sealing the root canals.

It is quite often falsely described as a “painful” procedure. At Showground Dental, root canal therapy is done with utmost care and can be as pain free as possible. Two to three visits are generally needed to complete the treatment. You can even bring your own favourite DVDs to watch during the treatment!


Dentures Services

Dentures are natural looking and removable artificial teeth that are used to replace missing teeth.

We offer a variety of dentures services including repairs, relines, new chrome partial dentures, acrylic partial dentures and complete dentures.

Pensioners will receive a 10% discount.

Dental Emergency

There’s never a good time for a dental emergency, but Showground Dental will always be here to assist you with treatments and services. As your emergency dentist in the heart of Bowen Hills, we can provide swift treatment and advice to relieve your toothache symptoms and save your teeth.

Conveniently accessible by car or public transport, Showground Dental can provide daytime and evening appointments six days a week.

Wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth are third molars found at the very back corners of the jaws, generally coming through from the late teens to early twenties. Depending on the size and direction the wisdom teeth points towards, they are commonly found to be stuck causing impaction, subsequently not being able to grow through the gums completely.